Prayer 2016-06-01

Shalom I wish you a blessed and loving day. Love thy neighbor as thyself (Lk 10, 27), this day let be a day of love.

Jeremiah 7, 3 (Luther translation 1912)

Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Amend your ways and your doings, and I will dwell with you in this place.

Amend your ways and your doings. This verse goes for you, better your life and being. God gives people another opportunity to repent, to change his mind and attitude towards God, to turn from their wicked ways and return to God’s way of life. God always gives you another chance to leave your wrong ways to return paths to God.

However, people had the temple by completed their temple services, thus they considered their spiritual condition for sufficient and saw no need to repent. Make not kid yourself, there is no recreational Christian, either you are a Christian or you’re not. Christ you’re always, no matter when and where, to 100%

Jeremiah speaks in 7, 4 further: not Rely on the lies when they say: Here the Lord’s temple, here the Lord’s temple, here the Lord’s temple!

This verse shows an example of how easily people can be fooled by religion (that human attempts to contact in contact with God or to please him) and thereby miss the real opportunity and need for a personal relationship with God. You always have to maintain a personal relationship with God and live. It is not enough to keep this relationship on third in a church. Since it is not sufficient to minimize this to Sunday. Tell your partner / in once, that you can see immediately just not Sunday for two hours and waiting times from the reaction.

True Christianity and real successor Jesus are not a question of religion, but a personal relationship with God. God sent His Son for you sacrificed so that he can in a personal relationship with you life. If you want to live a religion, Jesus died in vain, because religion for you Never in the community God.

Stealing, killing ……. contact me before. The man broke God’s laws and committed all kinds of sins (Jer 7: 5-9); on the Sabbath, the day of worship, then they came to the temple, and thought to be pleasing to God. The same way of thinking is also found today in those who claim to follow though God and his love to understand, but a life that the commandments and scales of his word completely contradicts. These people deceive themselves. In Jeremiah words you trust “in lost words, no use” (Jer 7, 8).

God says to you, I’ll be rich your hand, I want to lead you to freedom, to which you are called. Binding you not to religion but follow Jesus Christ alone. He’s gone for you on the cross so that you can be free from death and the power of darkness. Today when the Lord says, “Come” then follow him.

God’s protection, blessings and peace

Pastor Lionheart (Thorsten Wurm)

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