Devotion 2016-07-05

Shalom I wish you a blessed day fat. A day full of love and peace, so long as it is up to you keep peace with everyone!

1 John 3, 6

He who abides in Him does not sin; the sinner has not seen him and not recognized.

This is in particular a measure of those sets of John who are so “easy” that they need no explanation and Verständlichmachung, and at the same time yet so challenging that we should rebel against it inwardly.

There is a simple way to recognize the undeniable truth of challenging set itself: we try to reverse the sentence: “Anyone who remains in Jesus, sin.” We immediately see that is impossible “He who abides in Jesus, is divorced from sin , No one can simultaneously remain in Jesus and in sin.

Teaches John but sinlessness all real Christians?

Yes and no.

No, he himself stresses with great seriousness, that no one may say: “sin, we have not” (1 John 1.8). He has explicitly spoken of the “confession of sin” (1 John 1.9). And he has counted in 1 Jn 2,1 so that “anyone sins”. That this happens again and again, is because that we do not as we should, could “remain in him”. We are suddenly fallen back in our own lives; and then we sin.

Even Paul, who sees died us in Romans 6:11 as sin, counted in Gal 6.1 so that Chris is overtaken in his case. No “sinless” in themselves are not the believers that Jesus gave himself and his dearly purchased possession were. But then it happens that their sin is unbearable to them that they recognize the incompatibility of “sin” and “Jesus” with pain and now confess their sin according to the word that John and learn forgiveness and cleansing from all sin by the blood attain the son of God anew. Then they are “sinless” because forgiveness through Jesus, the sin-bearer of the world, from every sin cleanse (1jo 1.7) and we in him “God’s righteousness” are (2 Co 5:21).

Pray for the forgiveness of your sins and leave from her, so that Jesus Christ is in you Gestallt. So that the world recognizes you who is Jesus Christ, and they come to knowledge of the truth. The truth is Jesus Christ, to find not only in word but also in your life for the people of the world.

Stretch yourself every day anew, after from holiness, shun sin, and utterly out of your life. Stay in Jesus Christ, every day on new Ask him to help. For it is he who works in the weak powerful, is weak and hear out of you to fight.

God’s protection, blessings and peace

your pastor Lionheart

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