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Devotion 2016-07-26

Shalom, I wish you a wonderful and blessed day. All of you run out shall be done in peace and in love. Examine yourself and your behavior, deliberately the word of God.

1.Johanes 5, 2

By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments.

Be an ambassador of God’s love!

We heard the hitherto not vice versa:

The visible attention to visible brother was the identification of otherwise not clearly identifiable love of the invisible God (1 John 4.7; 4,12.19 f)? Full steam ahead already clear how versatile the word “love” is, precisely when we apply it to our behavior to other people.

Even Jesus distinguished the true love that he meant by that mutual kindness among themselves, which is also found in the “publicans” and the “nations” (Mt 5, 46-48). Only when God our love bears hard on yourself, it is in Jesus meaning “love”.

That is what even the apostles. He will have seen it as just in the community, in “believing circle”, an effeminate friendliness to be gripping and with “love” may be confused, a kindness and good nature that just no longer true service of love in his brother fighting his sin and against his errors does.

As always, “when we love God and his commandments do” when our God pure and holy being is in sight and his commandments we are adamant walk ways and landmarks, only “love” we as brothers as the “children “this holy living” God “must be loved and often loved with relentless Ernst cope.

Pray for the love of God in your heart and your life and pray that you are a representative of love here on earth will.

Decide in everything deliberately for the love in your heart. Use the love of God that is poured out by the Holy Spirit in your heart. It is present in you, do not let them wither, use the love of God over and over again, because it did you get paid.

God’s protection, blessings and peace

your pastor Lionheart

Devotion 2016-07-27

Shalom I wish you a blessed and peaceful day. Enjoy the peace of God and keep peace with everyone!

Romans 5: 10

We have indeed reconciled to God by the death of his Son while we were still his enemies. Then it may nevertheless not be otherwise, as we will now see through Christ and salvation – now that we are reconciled and where Christ is risen and alive.

are Saved by His life power. Hallelujah Praise our Lord, thank you what he did for you for everything. God’s gracious gift of forgiveness to assume that was made available through Jesus personal sacrifice, is the first step of spiritual salvation (Rom 3: 21-26; 4: 5-9). Open with joy the sacrifice Jesus for you and your life.

This is the boundary line, when you step on the path of personal communion with Christ and you zubewegst to your destiny of eternal life with him. It is the first step to eternal together with Jesus Christ.

As long as you live by faith and obey Christ, the salvation acts ever in you. If God loved you enough that he sent his son to die for you when you were his enemy were (Rom 5: 8), how much more will he now that you are now His child, any pension take to get your relationship with him. Route thou also of all times after communion with God. Avoid sin and stretch you out for a holy life, because God is holy, thou also holy. Living in communion with God, through the Holy Spirit. He will guide you in everything and run and he shall direct thy, trust.

If you have been forgiven through Jesus’ sacrificial death and you are reconciled to God, how much more then guaranteed his resurrection from the dead your salvation and your eternal life with God. (Rom 4, 22-5, 2; 5, 9-10; 1 Cor 1, 30; Phil 2: 12-16; Col. 3: 3-4; 1 Thesis 1, 10; 2 Tim 2, 12; James 1 , 12). God wants to live with you in eternal community, he has done everything you can do out of love, he sacrificed his son for you, so much God loves you. As much as he longs for the eternal

Communion with you. Through Jesus Christ God’s order is prepared resist. Think in all because you are a holy child of God, you are a visiting card of God. At you the world may know who Jesus Christ is.

God’s protection, blessings and peace

Pastor Lionheart (Thorsten Wurm)

Devotion 2016-07-28

Shalom I wish you a blessed and spirit guided day. The Spirit of God wants to change you, he wants to help you, let it be!

Romans 2, 12

But we have received this spirit – the spirit that comes from God, not the spirit of the world. Therefore we can also see what God has in His grace bestowed upon us all.

So you understand.

God’s Spirit knows everything and knows God’s plans in all its depth, height and width. At the right time and the right way, he will reveal (Rom 2: 10-16), what God has prepared for you if you really from wholeheartedly love him (Rom 2: 9). Love and trust him from the heart and from all the understanding, he shall direct thy. Trust the leadership and guidance of the Spirit, no matter how your visible life also may seem, God always comes at the right time and never late. The Holy Spirit is there for you with advice and assistance, you are never alone, in all your ways he is with you.

When reading and studying the Bible, the Holy Spirit give you more understanding of the truth. Always Involve the Holy Spirit with a if you read the Bible, because it opens you dimension font you you can never imagine. He will direct your reading so that you get inspiration for your current circumstances. Again and again he will give you joy of word, then it is not a duty but a pleasure for you to read the word.

Even the Spirit of God gives you as a faithful disciple of Jesus the firm assurance that the Bible is of divine origin (Jn 16, 13; Eph 1, 17). All Scripture is inspired by God (2 Tim 3, 16). Through the Spirit of God you will never doubt it.

Pray that the Holy Spirit is to guide your heart and thoughts always and lead. Challenge yourself at all times under the protection of the blood of Jesus Christ.

God’s protection, blessings and peace

your pastor Lionheart (Thorsten Wurm)

Devotion 2016-07-29

Shalom I wish you a blessed and loving day. Do yourself and the people in your environment somewhere nice!

1 John 5: 6

He, Jesus Christ, who came to us as man has been confirmed in two ways as the Son of God at his baptism and his sacrificial death – in other words, by water and by blood. Mind you, not only through the water, but by water and by blood. And confirmation of the Spirit of God, and the Spirit is the truth.

He came!

From “faith” said John as from the victory over the world. But this is not just any general or indeterminate faith. John thinks in any way, that faith as our function representing a world overcomers force. This force is in the content of our faith, in nature and person of him to whom we trust.

The “Gekommensein” Jesus is as such already decisive fact of salvation. “I came … ..” how many times has Jesus himself said. But the “Gekommensein” a Savior spoke the Gnostics. But they saw it a completely different shape in front of him as the Christ, the preaching the Apostles. Therefore must be clearly understood what he “come” is and how his coming happened. Two dominant traits raises Johannes forth: Jesus came “by water” and he has come “by blood”.

What does that mean?

The Apostle thus points to two historical events in the life of Jesus: the baptism and the Cross. We have all seen unilaterally in Christendom to the birth of the Savior and made it to the base of the first great feast of the Christian year.

Well also sets Johannes crucial importance that Christ wholly born a real man and come “in the flesh” is (1 John 4.2). But of great importance to him, and the baptism of Jesus, which we hardly notice. We should keep in mind how much she has complied with God himself. Just after the baptism Jesus follows the testimony of God. “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Mt 3:17; Lk 3:22; Mk 3:11). And all four Gospels tell us how Jesus in baptism the Spirit like a dove from heaven and floated on Jesus settled as the special equipment for his work.

So taught the same living with John Gnostic Cerinthus that the spiritual, supernatural Christ has come in the form of dove at the baptism in the man Jesus, but left him before his death, leaving only the man Jesus died. Here the Christ had indeed been only “by water”. The event of baptism would be really decisive during the death of the cross, which would have “blood”, only the man Jesus affected and no saving significance. This was the real meaning of baptism Jesus which already pointed to his dying between two thieves on the cross, totally misunderstood. Therefore Johannes concrete expressly: “not by water only, but by water and blood.”

Because “in the blood” is perfected only what was started in the “water” of Jesus. Only the inner solidarity is documented with sinners not only here their sentences carried bodily in bloody sacrifices.

Pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in your life, that he is guiding you in all your ways and leads. That he built up and makes you strong.

God’s protection, blessings and peace

Pastor Lionheart (Thorsten Wurm)

Devotion 2016-07-30

Shalom I wish you a blessed and rewarding day. A day with a lot of beautiful and happy moments!

1 John 5: 9

When people testify us something, we give her testimony faith. But the testimony God has a much greater importance, especially since we are dealing with Jesus Christ, whom God himself confirmed as his son.

The testimony of God is greater!

In fact, how much “testimony of men” we accept in our lives and rely on what people tell us. The least we can verify itself. Even in very important things “believe” we what people tell us.

Also through Jesus we hear first by people. Ourselves Jesus will be brought in most cases only once through other people close who testified us what Jesus means in their lives and how they came to him. But, of course, especially here, where it comes to life and death and our eternity, human testimony as such is not enough.

The “testimony of God is greater”, serious, yes last being solely decisive. Is it but to the Son of God, has said of the Jesus; “No one knows the Son except the Father” (Mt 11:27). Only the Father himself can testify truly the Son.

Pray for that the testimony of God is living in your heart and there remain firmly anchored. Decide every day for your walk with Jesus Christ. For he alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father only through him. There is no other way, only Jesus Christ is the way alone. tell Lasse you of anyone else.

God’s protection, blessings and peace

Pastor Lionheart (Thorsten Wurm)

Devotion 2016-07-31

Shalom I wish you a blessed and contemplative Sunday. his praise and Praise the Lord with all your and all your love!

2 Timothy 4: 4

You will shut your ears to the truth and turn to legends and speculations.


God written word must be your guide to truth and represent your uncompromising rule for faith and conduct. Everything is different from the Word of God, is not of God. All that is different from the word of God lead you astray.

You have to be guided by the Word of God and use it as a benchmark to which you measure everything you think and do. Please in all the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction, and it will lead you right. The Holy Spirit will never lead you different from the Word of God.

There are some people in the community who found their faith and their behavior on things that have no solid basis in the Bible. This may be alleged revelations, personal experiences, miracles, success or purely human goals and ideas. In the last days Satan will all use to lead people astray. Much is mixed and humanized, everything will be wedged under one roof, together gives everything a whole.

Matthew 24: 5

“For many will come in my name; they are claiming to be the Messiah, and will deceive many.

Many are …… .Many mislead. Towards the end of the present age is the religious deception, are on earth practiced and taught openly. Do not get fooled and seduced, because there is only one truth, and this truth is Jesus Christ. Jesus says to you, I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.

Christ is it so important that his successor upcoming global spiritual deception are aware that he repeated his warning twice in the same speech.

Be always vigilant because the time has now dawned. Everything is heading towards a unified faith, be always vigilant you will not let go along with the flow of time.

God’s protection, blessings and peace

Your Pastor Lionheart (Thorsten Wurm)

Devotion 2016-08-01

Shalom I wish you a blessed and successful start to the week. May the Lord bless your hands work and filled your heart with joy!

2 Timothy 4, 8

Now the crown for me is ready, the righteousness which is, give the Lord, the righteous judge me on that great day – and not only me, but also all others who love him and wait for his coming.

The crown of righteousness.

Since Paul his master and the message entrusted to him had been faithful, the Holy Spirit gave him the assurance that in heaven waiting the loving acceptance of God and “the crown of righteousness” to him. God remain faithful to all that Jesus Christ and His truth, reward in heaven (cf. Mt 19: 27-29;. 2 Cor 5, 10). wartetet Also to you a reward if you faithfully your Lord service up to the end of all day. The emphasis is on faithfulness. Because from here where your journey begins with Christ, count your faithfulness and daily growth. For thy way with Christ means daily growth because you live a living faith.

Allen who won his appearance loving, live in a low expectation for the coming of the Lord, in thee thy Lord will take you from the earth, into eternal communion with him (see 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18, cf. Phil. 3: 20-21, Titus 2, 13).

Through your expectations you remain well prepared and can serve the Lord faithfully. Always watch the signs of the times and studying the Word of God, by finding the signs of the times through your expectations, you feel in this world never quite at ease because you long for your heavenly home (Heb 11: 13-16) , For you are to serve no longer of this world, but only in this world thy Lord and to proclaim his word. Rejoice always, and praise and prizes his wonderful name of the Lord.

God’s protection, blessings and peace

Pastor Lionheart (Thorsten Wurm)

Devotion 2016-08-02

Shalom I wish you a blessed and fat loving day. Love and Peace to accompany your day, Joy was at all what you’re doing!

1 John 5: 14

And this is the boldness that we have toward him, that if we ask any thing according to his will, he hears us.

He hears your prayers!

To whom we have this confidence?

Who is “him” meant by this: Jesus or God himself? This is going to not be distinguishable.

When praying it goes, as the sequel shows to by whose will we ask God. We have the bold confidence erhörlichen praying to God. But at the same time, it is yet again the confidence to Jesus that makes our prayers so erhörlich and “in the name of” we should therefore pray according to his own statement in Jo 16,23 f and may.

In the “free confidence,” we are certainly “. If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us” in this “listening” to us is the “answer” included, which is the result serious “listening” to our request ,

In biblical space is “hearing” always an essential thing. Prophets and Apostles and Jesus himself ask the people the real “hearing” because he “has ears to hear.” What is it “He that planted the ear” then only to the “hearing” of the one who and whose heart fulfilled divine love.

Pray and God will hear you, anything you ask in his name, he will hear. Read that word of God, so that you can ask according to his will. Without the knowledge of the Word of God, you can not ask in his will.

God’s protection, blessings and peace

Pastor Lionheart (Thorsten Wurm)

Devotion 2016-08-03

Shalom I wish you a blessed and loving day. Everything emanates from you, to you and the others become a blessing!

1 John 5, 16

If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin not unto death, he shall ask, and He will give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death; that you should ask for such, I do not say!

Pray for your brother!

It is a peculiar tension in the set. It concerns with the brother to a “sin which does not lead to death,” but “life be given” to him must. That’s the word according to a contradiction. But in this conflict the seriousness of sin is clear.

Actually brings every sin as such death.

But now a brother for what has become Guilt may occur, and there is spared her life anew. It refers to the “eternal” life in communion with God, the danger of losing through his sin his brother.

“He” will give him life.

This can only be God, who does and can do. But since God in taking our request with its action, the “he” also refer to the petitioner, as it actually requires the sentence structure. The Ernst in intercession standing may know, “he” is thus the brother’s life because he also “the request has” (1 John 5:15), which he wore before the erhörenden God.

For erhörlichen prayer clarity and certainty is needed about the will of God; had spoken of the Apostles. Can I, in view of a fallen brother in debt no longer be sure, that does not lead his sin to death, so my intercession of solid ground is withdrawn. God can then be sure to save in spite of our lack of intercession a brother whom we saw already lost. That is only his cause.

Pray earnestly and joy for your brother and let guide you by the Spirit of God and lead, then all your prayers will be visible.

God’s protection, blessings and peace

your pastor Lionheart (Thorsten Wurm)

Devotion 2016-12-14

Shalom I wish you a blessed and peaceful day. Enjoy from the heart that you are a beloved child of God. No one, no man, no power of darkness can ever separate you from his love. No matter what, no matter what happens, always remember God loves you!

Does not the potter have power?

Romans 9: 21-23
Has not the potter power over the tone of making the same mass of one vessel into honor, and the other to dishonor?
But if God, when he was to show his wrath and proclaim his might, bore with great patience the vessels of anger, which were made to perish, so that he might also reveal the riches of his glory in the vessels of mercy which he had previously sent to glory

Paul argues that God is sovereign, ie Has the power and authority that can and can do what he wants and can use certain people for specific purposes without having to justify himself against anyone. God the Almighty who created the whole world in a word, “everything was made” because God said. Who are you human and who is God? In a word, God can release you from all your problems and temptations. But whether this is meaningful, even he can answer, for he alone sees the whole, he sees why things are as they are.

You must not understand that God has no moral principles in his dealings with individuals and peoples. His character is characterized, among other things, by holiness, i. Purity, perfection; Perfection and separation from evil and absolute justice. God’s essence is not determined by deficient human wisdom, but by his own perfect love (Jn 13:16), his mercy (Ps 25: 6), his righteousness (that is, character purity and truth) and his compassion (Ps 111, 5).

Whoever interprets the verses Romans 9, 6-29 in such a way that God arbitrarily chooses some people for salvation and others for condemnation has completely misunderstood this section. The subject of predestination often raises the question of whether God has already determined in advance, who will be saved, and who will spend eternity with him, and who will be condemned and exiled forever from his presence. In other words, God has already decided who is in heaven and who is going to hell? The Bible clearly demonstrates that God is omniscient (Ps 44, 22, 139, 1-6, 147, 5) and he is actively involved in the life of man and of the world he created (Acts 17, 26-28). However, the Bible clearly speaks of the fact that people themselves can decide whether to spend eternity with him or not depends on this decision (Deuteronomy 19:19, Jos 24:15, Joh 3, 36, 5, 40; , 9). Even if God knows all the different possibilities, and he knows how a particular situation will evolve, it does not mean that it influences the outcome. God knows what has been in the past and what is going to happen in the future, and yet that does not mean that God himself is guiding everything he sees, including our decisions and actions.

God has created you with a free will, so that you can make your own choices (Gen 2, 16). Therefore, you and all people are also responsible for their own final decisions and the resulting consequences (Mt 12, 36; Rom 14, 12; Hebr4, 13).

The “vessels of wrath” are people who are on the path of eternal damnation. To such a vessel of wrath, we are served by his own sinful deeds and his rebellion against God, as Paul has said in a previous passage. “With your stupor and your impenitent heart you will raise your wrath, for the day of wrath, in which God’s righteous judgment will be revealed” (Rom 2: 5). Nevertheless, this section mainly deals with God’s mercy.

The “vessels of wrath” (i.e., God’s opponent) can still do buses, i. Admit their rebellious ways, turn away from them, turn to God and receive His grace, just as you have chosen one from your free will for Jesus Christ and have received His grace. Be aware of this grace always from the whole heart and always keep a thankful heart, thankfulness for what God has done for you, doing and doing. Gratitude always preserves you from arrogance and preserves a humble heart.

You are a “vessel of mercy” if you trust and follow Jesus Christ (Rom 9: 24-33). Go his ways, which he has paved for your life. Make your ways to your ways, then you are a “vessel of mercy” Maranatha.

Numbers 6: 24-26
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Let the Lord shine upon thee, and be merciful to thee.
The LORD lift up his face upon you, and give you peace.

Your Pastor Thorsten Wurm (Lionheart)