Devotion 2016-06-15

Shalom I wish you a super nice and blessed day. Everything emanates from you, to be a blessing to you and others!

Isaiah 61: 10-11

I rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; because he has attracted me with garments of salvation, clothed with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorned with priestly ornaments, and as a bride who flaunts her jewels. For as the crop out of the earth and seed in the garden rises, so justice and praise before all the nations will rise from the Lord GOD.

After Christ’s return to be happy all who are part of his empire. You will be clothed with “garments of salvation”, which simply means that you will be recognized unmistakably with God and his other faithful followers, he has freed of sin and redeemed as property.

Rejoice on it, you’ll receive for all your wages. In particular, look at what’s coming up, do not look at what is. About you never force of your life circumstances in the knee, but look at your God and rejoice in him at all times. Hang in there until the end of time and growing daily in faith. Resist always your adversary does not fall in the knitting of your enemy. He has only one job, he wants to make you fall.

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you in all your strength ask him to be when you’re weak.

You will also wear “a robe of righteousness,” indicating that you will live according to God’s perfect scale of goodness and truth. God will produce against his order at the end of every day. He will live with you in paradise, which man has been created at the beginning of all days.

There is only one way to heaven and that is Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through him (John 14: 6). The way to paradise to eternal life, never passes by Jesus Christ, it is for you, the prerequisite. Stretch yourself here on earth always after of holiness that are to holiness you invoke (1 Pt 1, 15; 2 Corinthians 7: 1; 1 Thes 4: 7; Heb 12, 14; 2 Peter 3: 11).

God’s protection, blessings and peace

Pastor Lionheart (Thorsten Wurm)

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