Monthly Archives: April 2021

Water for life…

Water is a vital nutrient and has numerous essential roles in the human body. It functions as a building material, a solvent, a reaction medium and reaction product, a carrier for nutrients and waste products, in heat regulation, and as a lubricant and shock absorber. Consequently, the optimal functioning of our body requires good hydration. Regulating water balance is essential to maintaining health and life.

Why is it so important that we drink enough?
Water is essential for our bodies! It is very important to consume enough water every day to prevent dehydration and its consequences.
What do we need water for?
Without water, humans can survive only a few days. It is a multifunctional component of the body. Approximately 60 to 65% of the adult body consists of water. Sufficient daily intake is necessary to maintain important bodily functions.
Water as a building material: Water is in each of our cells in the body and thus in skin, tissue, muscles and other areas, and thus serves as an important building material.
Water for metabolism: Water has the special property that it acts as a reaction medium. As a result, it is involved as a macronutrient in all hydrolytic reactions in our body: for example, in the breakdown (hydrolysis) of other nutrients (e.g. proteins, carbohydrates and fats).
Water as a carrier: water transports nutrients to the cells and removes waste products from the cells. It enables exchanges between cells, interstitial (tissue cell surrounding) fluid, and capillaries (smallest vessels). Water is responsible for maintaining vascular volume and thereby enabling blood circulation, which is essential for the function of all organs and tissues of the body: the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the digestive tract, the kidneys and liver, the brain, and the peripheral nervous system.
Water for thermoregulation (maintaining a normal body temperature): water has a high heat capacity, which helps limit changes in body temperature in hot and cold environments. To cool the body, sweating evaporates water on the surface of the skin, which is an efficient way to lose heat. A regulated body temperature is an important prerequisite for homeostasis in the body – for a balance and regulated processes of all body processes.
Water as a shock absorber and lubricant in the body: Water maintains cell shape and thus also acts as a shock absorber when walking or running. This function is particularly important for the brain and spinal cord. At the same time, in conjunction with viscous molecules, it acts as a lubricating fluid for joints, as well as for saliva and mucus secretion in the digestive tract, and in the respiratory tract and the entire respiratory system.

According to the current recommendations of the European Food Safety Authority, the daily requirement is 2 liters for women and 2.5 liters for men. These standard values apply to healthy adult persons who eat a balanced diet and are regularly physically active.
The daily necessary fluid intake varies. For example, more water is needed in hot climates. Likewise when one is more physically active. There is also an increased need when the body is ill (for example, when there is a fever, or after vomiting and diarrhea).

Prayer: I have realized that I often do not follow Your good instructions for healthy eating and hydration. Father I ask You to help me change this with the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank You that You want me to be well and do my part. Thank You for Your help in this area. I give You my body and trust You to give me the discipline to begin a better lifestyle.